Electromagnetic object detector with test electrode for a medica
Electromagnetic sensors for tissue characterization
Electromagnetic-acoustic imaging
Electromagnetical imaging and therapeutic (EMIT) systems
Electromagnetically tracked K-wire device
Electronic endoscopic apparatus
Electronic scan type ultrasound diagnostic instrument
Electronic system for determining the density and structure...
Electronically scanned coherence tomography with frequency...
Electronically scanned optical coherence tomography with...
Electrophysiological activity estimation method
Electrostatically driven image probe
Element arranging structure for transducer array for forming thr
Elevation beam pattern variation for ultrasound imaging
Elevation beamwidth control for contrast imaging
Elevation beamwidth control for control for contrast imaging
Elevation compounding for ultrasound imaging
Elevation plane focusing in an ultrasound imaging system
EM tracking systems for use with ultrasound and other...
Embedded thermal control system for high field MR scanners