Patient-specific parameter selection for neurological event...
Patient-specific template development for neurological event...
Phase shifting of neurological signals in a medical device...
Physiological monitor including an objective pain measurement
Physiological monitoring
Polymer linear actuator for micro electro mechanical system...
Process and apparatus for selecting or designing products...
Process and device for assessing electroencephalograms
Process for the production of penicillins
Processing EEG signals to predict brain damage
Programmable signal analysis device for detecting...
Quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) process and apparatu
Quantitative method for the therapeutic treatment of sleep...
Quantitative sleep analysis method and system
Questions and control paradigms for detecting deception by...
Real-time brain monitoring system
Repetitive visual stimulation to EEG neurofeedback protocols
Seizure sensing and detection using an implantable device
Seizure sensing and detection using an implantable device
Seizure warning and prediction