Visual restoration aiding device
Visual restoration aiding device
Visual restoration aiding device
Voice activated loco motor device and method of use for spinal c
Voltage control circuitry for charging ouput capacitor
Voltage converter for implantable microstimulator using...
Voltage converter for implantable microstimulator using...
Voltage converter for implantable microstimulator using...
Voltage converter for implantable microstimulator using...
Voltage converter for implantable microstimulator using...
Voltage independent measurement apparatus, system, and method
Voltage/current control system for a human tissue stimulator
Watchdog timer for automated external defibrillator
Water resistant speaker port for automated external defibrillato
Water-resistant, wideband microphone subassembly
Wave shaping for an implantable medical device
Waveform discriminator for cardiac stimulation devices
Waveform normalization in a medical device
Waveforms for selective stimulation of central nervous...
Wearable alarm system for a prosthetic hearing implant