Tachyarrhythmia therapy device with ranked therapy selection
Tachycardia rate hysteresis for dual-chambered cardiac...
Tachycardia synchronization delays
Tactile application of herboelectrical stimulation to...
Tank filters placed in series with the lead wires or...
Tank filters utilizing very low K materials, in series with...
Technique for adjusting the locus of excitation of...
Technique for adjusting the locus of excitation of...
Technique for adjusting the locus of excitation of...
Technique for welding dissimilar metals
Techniques for adjusting the locus of excitation of electrically
Techniques for adjusting the locus of excitation of electrically
Techniques for adjusting the locus of excitation of neural tissu
Techniques for applying, calibrating, and controlling nerve...
Techniques for applying, configuring, and coordinating nerve...
Techniques for minimizing radiofrequency-induced tissue heating
Techniques for positioning therapy delivery elements within...
Techniques for promoting biventricular synchrony and...
Techniques for selective activation of neurons in the brain,...
Techniques for sensing and adjusting a compliance voltage in...