Ternary carbide and nitride composites having tribological...
Texture free ballistic grade tantalum product and production...
Textured-grain-powder metallurgy tantalum sputter target
Thermal concentration of non-ferrous metal values in sulfide min
Thermal fatigue and shock-resistant material for...
Thermal insulation molten metal
Thermal method for the recovery of metals and/or metal combinati
Thermal processes for the production of magnesium
Thermal production of magnesium
Thermal reclamation method for the recovery of metals from air b
Thermal reduction process for production of calcium using alumin
Thermal reduction process for production of magnesium
Thermal reduction process for production of magnesium using alum
Thermal reduction process of aluminium
Thermal shock resistance ceramic insulator
Thermal shock resistant quasicrystalline alloy target
Thermal shock resistant thermoelectric material
Thermal spray coating for gates and seats
Thermal spray composition and method of deposition for...
Thermal spray compositions for abradable seals