Ilmenite beneficiation process and a digester method
Ilmenite coated pellet and process for reducing same
Immersion and vaporization chamber
Immobilized bioreactor method for sulphidic minerals and...
Improved process for beneficating iron-containing titaniferous o
In situ electroslag refining hot start
In situ formation of metal-ceramic oxide microstructures
In situ phosphorus addition to tantalum
Inclusion decanting process for nickel-based superalloys and oth
Increasing blast temperature
Indication of levels in receptacles
Indium containing dental alloy powder
Indium-based nanowire product, oxide nanowire product, and...
Indium-containing, low silver copper-base filler metal
Inducing hyperaccumulation of metals in plant shoots
Inductially heated gas lift pump action method for melt reductio
Induction furnace for a metal reduction and melting process
Induction melting and stirring
Induction slag reduction process for making titanium
Induction slag reduction process for purifying metals