Apparatus and process for separating bone fragments, gristle and
Apparatus for collecting flesh of fish
Apparatus for mechanical separation of a combination of meat and
Apparatus for mincing frozen meat into ground meat
Apparatus for separating meat from bones
Apparatus for severing the meat from bones
Automatic-feed grinder and meat grinding method
Bale loader and shredder
Bone eliminator discharge regulator
Chaff spreading arrangement for a combine
Chopper plate
Combination grain mill and dough mixer
Combine harvester straw chopper stationary knife adjustment
Comminuting machine with feed worm, especially for comminuting f
Comminuting machine, especially for emulsifying or fine comminut
Comminution machine with an emulsifier
Continuous mixer
Crab peeler
Crop residue deflector means
Cutter assembly for meat grinder