Warming and nonirritating lubricant compositions and method...
Warming and nonirritating lubricant compositions and method...
Water based lubricant solution
Water compatible hydraulic fluids
Water glycol treatment with polytetrafluoroethylene
Water soluble lubricant for medical devices
Water soluble metal working fluids
Water soluble metal working fluids
Water soluble rosin acid esters
Water soluble vegetable oil esters for industrial applications
Water-based lubricants containing sulfur as a coordinating...
Water-based metal working fluid
Water-dispersible metal working fluid
Water-free release/lubrication agent for treating the walls of a
Water-miscible cooling lubricant concentrate
Water-resistant conveyor lubricant and method for...
Water-soluble aluminium and aluminium alloys hot rolling...
Water-soluble cutting fluid
Water-soluble lubricant for warm or hot metal forming
Water-soluble metal working lubricant