Adjustable boat stabilizer
Adjustable boat stabilizer
Advanced marine vehicles for operation at high speed in or above
Advanced marine vehicles for operation at high speeds in or abov
All-terrain amphibian vehicle
All-terrain and amphibious automotive vehicle
Amphibian motor vehicle
Amphibian vehicle
Amphibian vehicle for shallow water
Amphibious all terrain vehicle (ATV) and conversion kit
Amphibious automobile with a sleek displacement hull in the subs
Amphibious craft
Amphibious hydrofoil vehicle
Amphibious industrial landing stages which can be run aground an
Amphibious land reclamation vehicle
Amphibious land reclamation vehicle
Amphibious mobility assist vehicle for mobility impaired persons
Amphibious motor vehicle chassis and vehicle including such a ch
Amphibious motor-driven cycle
Amphibious vehicle