Cooling layout for a turbine blade, turbine blade included...
Cooling of gas turbine engine aerofoils
Cooling passages for airfoil leading edge
Cooling passageway turn
Cooling structure for outer surface of a gas turbine case
Cooling structure of stationary blade, and gas turbine
Cooling system for a bearing of a turbine rotor
Cooling system for a gas turbine engine
Cooling system for a gas turbine engine
Cooling system for a main body used in a gas stream
Cooling system for a main body used in a gas stream
Cooling system for a tip of a turbine blade
Cooling system for a turbine blade
Cooling system for a turbine vane
Cooling system for an airfoil vane
Cooling system for gas turbine stator nozzles
Cooling system for nozzle segment platform edges
Corner cooled turbine nozzle
Counter-rotating compressors with control of boundary layers by
Counterbalanced flow turbine nozzle