Fail safe cooling system for turbine vanes
Failsafe film cooled wall
Fanned trailing edge teardrop array
Film cooling air pocket in a closed loop cooled airfoil
Film cooling for a closed loop cooled airfoil
Film cooling for microcircuits
Film cooling for the trailing edge of a steam cooled nozzle
Film-cooling augmentation device and turbine airfoil...
Flarable retainer
Floating seal for a variable area turbine nozzle
Floating spoolie cup impingement baffle
Flow diverter for turbomachinery seals
Flow guide component with enhanced cooling
Fluid flow machine
Fluid flow machine with blade row-internal fluid return...
Fluid-cooled element
Fluid-cooled turbine blades
Fluid-handling, bladed rotor
Friction-susceptible component of a thermal turbo machine
Further cooling of pre-swirl flow entering cooled rotor...