Gas turbine interstage portion seal device
Gas turbine stationary shroud made of a ceramic foam...
Housing for a fluid flow or jet engine
Knurled turbine tip seal
Laser surface fusion of plasma sprayed ceramic turbine seals
Method and apparatus for fan blade tip clearance
Method and apparatus for setting clearance between fluid displac
Oxidizing seal for a turbine tip gas path
Profiled surface used as an abradable in flow machines
Pumping apparatus
Removable sealing gasket for distributor segments of a jet engin
Rotary fluid pump
Rub tolerant shroud
Seal assembly
Seals and method of manufacture thereof
Segmented abradable ceramic coating
Shroud means for turbine rotor blade tip clearance control
Stationary blade in gas turbine and gas turbine comprising...
Support member and a component supported thereby
Turbine engine shroud