Bucket tip brush seals in steam turbines and methods of...
Bucket tip clearance control system
Built-up gas turbine component and its fabrication
Cantilevered stator stage
Casing ring
Casing structure of metal construction
Casing, a compressor, a turbine, and a combustion turbine...
Center-located cutter teeth on shrouded turbine blades
Center-located cutter teeth on shrouded turbine blades
Centrifugal compressor
Centrifugal compressor and centrifugal turbine
Ceramic blade with tip seal
Ceramic matrix composite attachment apparatus and method
Ceramic matrix composite component for a gas turbine engine
Ceramic radial flow turbine heat shield with turbine tip seal
Ceramic turbine shroud
Closed loop, steam cooled turbine shroud
CMC turbine shroud ring segment and fabrication method
Coaxial seal for a pump
Columnar zirconium oxide abrasive coating for a gas turbine...