Alternating piston machine with rotating end walls and chain dri
Alternating piston rotary apparatus
Alternating piston rotary engine with latching control mechanism
Alternating rotor motor with rotor positioning sensors
Alternating rotor motor with spring clutches
Alternating velocity rotary engine employing a gear control mech
Angular compression expansion cylinder with radial pistons
Cat and mouse type rotary device utilizing grooves and rods...
Co-rotor engine and drive apparatus
Co-rotor engine with valve system
Compound rotary internal combustion engine
Elliptical-drive oscillating compressor and pump
Expansible chamber device having rotating piston braking and rot
Expansible chamber device having rotating piston braking and...
Fixed displacement suction and exhaust apparatus utilizing...
Free-piston rotary device particularly useful as hydraulic motor
Gearing by definition a dveljagimmal
Indexing rotary actuator with clutch pistons
Internal combustion rotary engine