Apparatus for controlling pressure distribution in gear pump
Apparatus for noise suppression in a gear pump
Automotive vacuum pump
Axially centering means for fluid machines
Bearing lubrication system for gear pump having clearance betwee
Compressor with extended area between suction port and suction g
Device for sealing the penetration of drive shaft/housing in rot
External gear pump with drive gear seal
Fluid compressor having lubrication for two spiral blade compres
Fuel pump assembly
Gas compressor
Gear pump
Gear pump having fluid deaeration capability
Gear pump having fluid deaeration capability
Gear pump including introduction paths and return paths
Gear pump or motor with bypass throttle passage to prevent cavit
Gear pump with groove in end wall beginning at outer periphery o
Gear pump with leakage fluid intermittently communicated to expa
Gear ring pump having a housing wall with a hollow cone recess
Gear wheel pump with reduced power requirement