Carbon dioxide liquification system
Carbon dioxide recovery
Carbon dioxide recovery process
Carbon dioxide removal from methane-containing gases
Carbon dioxide snow hood with J-horn
Carbon dioxide snow horn for dry ice production
Cargo area grocery chiller
Cascade desiccant air-conditioning/air drying process and appara
Cascaded refrigeration cycles for liquefying low-boiling gaseous
Chemical heat pump and method
Chemical purification for semiconductor processing by partial co
Chilling unit with “free-cooling”, designed to...
Chlorine recovery process
Chlorocarbon and halogen recovery from vent gas stream
Climate control system
Closed system refrigeration using a turboexpander
CO.sub.2 -snow-making
CO.sub.2 methane separation by low temperature distillation
CO.sub.2 Snow-making process
Cold plate/tank with removable CO.sub.2 injection unit