Stirling refrigerator and method of controlling operation of...
Stirling refrigerator with nonlinear braking spring
Stirling-based heating and cooling device
Stirling-cycle cyrogenic cooler using adaptive feedforward vibra
Stirling-cycle refrigerator
Stirling/pulse tube hybrid cryocooler with gas flow shunt
Superconducting device with a cold head of a refrigeration...
Superconducting device with a cooling-unit cold head...
Superconducting magnet and regenerative refrigerator for the mag
Superconducting magnet and regenerative refrigerator for the mag
Superconducting magnet apparatus and maintenance method of...
Superconducting magnet system with refrigerator
Superconductor device having superconductive magnet and...
Superfluid thermodynamic cycle refrigerator
Support spring for a cryocooler
Supraconducting device comprising a cooling unit for a...
Swash plate driving means for cryogenic coolers
Synthetic felt regenerator material for stirling cycle...
System and method for predicting component failures in...
System and method of active vibration control for an electro-mec