Optical storage structure
Optical system for changing laser beam spot size during scanning
Optical system for obtaining linear image and recorded device ut
Optical system for recording and reproducing an optical informat
Optical writer with vacuum tube and electro-optic shutter
Optical writing device
Optical writing head
Optical writing head with curved surface formed by one end of an
Optically imaged recording apparatus
Optically-switched thermal printhead system
Opto-electronic line printer having a high density, independentl
Orifice band ink jet printer with ink confined by a counterpress
Orifice plate cleaner for hot melt ink jet
Orifice plate for ink jet printer
Orifice plate holder for a fluid jet printing apparatus
Out-of-ink sensing method
Overcoat structure for optical video disc
Overcoating layer for thermal printing head
Overhead projector sheet for printing by thermal transfer printi
Overlapping chip replaceable subunits, methods of making same, a