Joint for envelope of vacuum type electrical device
Lamps for high powers
Large metal cone cathode ray tubes, and envelopes therefor
Low temperature processing transfer printing ink
Metallurgically improved tip-off tube for a vacuum enclosure
Method and apparatus for frit-sealing high temperature CRT facep
Method of manufacturing a bulb for a cathode-ray tube, and bulb
Method to reduce color temperature variation in metal halide arc
Mo-Ti members with non-metallic sintering aids
Rectangular seal beam lamp unit
Sealing tubulation and method
Television bulb
Thermally sensitive pressure release assembly for sealed pressur
Tubular discharge envelope composed of a polycrystalline transpa
TV bulb funnel construction
Vacuum package tubeless enclosure with self-welded flanges
Vacuum tight assembly
Vacuum-tight assembly
Vacuum-tight window structure for the passage of x-rays and simi
Vacuum-tight windows for passage of X-rays or similar penetratin