V-Shaped centering fixture for optical encoders
Vane encoder assembly for adjusting an optical encoder in a data
Vari-focal lens control system with lens driving and magnificati
Variable angle optical sensing system for determining the orient
Variable area flow rate meter using optical sensing of float...
Variable bandwidth low-pass filter for line tracer accuracy cont
Variable beam detection using a dynamic detection threshold
Variable collection of blooming charge to extend dynamic range
Variable coupler fiberoptic sensor
Variable density scanning apparatus
Variable electrode traveling wave metal-semiconductor-metal...
Variable electronic shutter in CMOS imager with improved...
Variable focus optical system
Variable focus optical system and method using electro-optic mat
Variable focus optical system for data reading
Variable focus optical system for data reading
Variable gain image intensifier
Variable high speed shutter for spectroradiometry
Variable lead device for circular scan tracers
Variable light source compensated optical fiber sensing system