Position detection apparatus
Position sensing device having a movable photosensing element
Position sensing device having a single photosensing element
Position sensing device having a single photosensing element...
Position sensor having a reflective projecting system and device
Position-detection method and apparatus with a grating mark
Positioning structure of plane image input apparatus
Precision optical alignment system
Print media and method of detecting a characteristic of a...
Print media weight detection system
Printer and method with media gloss and color determination
Printing method in which both sides of the recording sheet are i
Probe for sensing movement in a compressor system
Probing with backside emission microscopy
Process and apparatus for laser analysis of surface having a rep
Process and assembly for non-destructive surface inspection
Process and device for assessing the quality of processed materi
Process and device for detecting foreign substances in a textile
Process and device for determining three-dimensional structure i
Process and device for recognition of substrate stock by...