Carrier apparatus for radioactive well logging instrument
Cement thickness measurements in cased boreholes
Cementing method to improve well logging measurements in cased w
Chlorinated hydrocarbon sensor for cone penetrometer
Circular induction accelerator for borehole logging
Clay content determination by natural gamma ray spectrometry
Clay type and volume evaluation
Closed feedback injection system for radioactive materials using
Coal ash monitors
Coal-rock interface detector
Collimated thermal neutron porosity tool
Combination thermal and radiation shield
Compact detector for radon and radon daughter products
Compact detector for radon and radon daughter products
Compaction monitoring instrument system
Compensated density well logging tool
Compensation of errors in logging-while-drilling density...
Compound optical coupler and support mechanism
Configuration design of detector shielding for wireline and...
Continuous quality control of mined hard and soft coals