Light beam scanning apparatus
Light collector for photo-stimulable phosphor imaging apparatus
Light collector for photo-stimulable phosphor imaging system
Light guide member for radiation image read-out
Light guide member for radiation image read-out
Light scanning system for a stimulable sheet including vacuum an
Liquid scintillation counter
Liquid scintillation counter for measuring the activity of radio
Liquid scintillation counting system with automatic gain correct
Liquid scintillation spectrometry process and apparatus
Liquid scintillation systems and apparatus for measuring high-en
Lithographic mask attraction system
Luminescence test and exposure apparatus
Mammographic radiation image recording and read-out apparatus
Means for expelling sample carriers from a radiation measuring a
Mechanism for feeding radiation image storage panel from cassett
Medical image reproducing system
Method and apparatus for acquiring an electrical signal represen
Method and apparatus for automatic spectrum scanning in a propor
Method and apparatus for detecting the location of a pattern in