Variable bit rate coder, and associated method, for a...
Variable length trellis for data transmission
Variable liftoff voltage process field device
Variable OFDM subchannel coding and modulation
Variable power communications including rapid switching...
Variable rate coding for forward link
Variable rate coding for forward link
Variable rate discrete multiple tone bidirectional transmission
Variable scaling of 16-bit fixed point fast fourier forward and
Variable state length initialization
Variable state length initialization
Variable throughput reduction communications system and method
Various methods and apparatuses for impulse noise detection
Vector trellis coded modulation using vector convolutional codes
Vehicle mounted DSRC apparatus
Verification of transmit power levels in a signal point...
Very high-speed digital RF clipper/modulator
Very low power cordless headset system
Viterbi decoder for decoding depunctured code
Viterbi decoder utilizing partial backtracing