Method and system for improved analog signal detection
Method and system for improving channel estimation in a...
Method and system for increasing bandwidth capacity utilization
Method and system for increasing data throughput in...
Method and system for interference averaging in a wireless...
Method and system for minimum mean squared error soft...
Method and system for mobile alerting in a communication system
Method and system for mode adaptation in wireless communication
Method and system for multicarrier communication between a...
Method and system for optimization of channel estimation and...
Method and system for optimization of channel estimation and...
Method and system for optimization of channel estimation and...
Method and system for peak power reduction
Method and system for polar modulation using a direct...
Method and system for power-conserving interference...
Method and system for power-conserving interference...
Method and system for predicting signal power to...
Method and system for rate-2 transmission
Method and system for regenerating amplitude and timing characte
Method and system for resource allocation for OFDM wireless...