Sample rearrangement for a communication system with cyclic...
Sampled amplitude read channel employing early-decisions...
Sampling frequency offset tracking method and OFDM system...
Scalable gain training generator, method of gain training...
Scalable pattern methodology for multi-carrier communication...
Scalable post-channel estimate phase corrector, method of...
Scalable spectrum CDMA communication systems and methods...
Scalable system to adaptively transmit and receive including...
Scalable time-orthogonal preamble supplement generator,...
Scalable time-orthogonal preamble supplement generator,...
Scattered pilot location detector
Scheduling method with tunable throughput maximization and...
Section division operating point determination method for...
Segmented-frame synchronization for ISDB-T and ISDB-TSB...
Selective virtual antenna transmission
Selectively changing demodulation modes depending on quality...
Serial concatenation of interleaved convolutional codes...
Serial digital signal transmission apparatus
Shaped signal spaces in a simultaneous voice and data system
Sharing logic circuitry for a maximum likelihood MIMO...