I/Q demodulator and I/Q signal sampling method thereof
I/Q demodulator device with three power detectors and two...
I/Q timing mismatch compensation
IBOC broadcasting receiver
Idle channel noise reduction in a line card having a DSP equaliz
IF FSK receiver
IF FSK receiver
IF signal combiner for minimizing the BER in a space or angle di
Image reject circuit using sigma-delta conversion
Image reject circuit using sigma-delta conversion
Implementing phase rotator circuits with embedded polyphase...
Implementing reduced-state viterbi detectors
Improving hierarchical 8PSK performance
Impulse detection and reduction in a frequency modulation...
Impulse noise detector and noise reduction system
Impulse noise suppression device
Impulse radio communication device
In-band-on-channel (IBOC) system and methods of operation...
In-band-on-channel broadcast system for digital data
In-phase and quadrature signal regeneration