Ramp-shaped intervertebral implant
Ramp-shaped intervertebral implant
Random surface protrusions on an implantable device
Rapid assembly concentric mating stent, tissue heart valve with
Rapid assembly, concentric mating stent, tissue heart valve with
Rapid assembly, concentric mating stent, tissue heart valve with
Rapid assembly, concentric mating stent, tissue heart valve with
Rapid exchange delivery system for self-expanding stent
Rapid exchange delivery system for self-expanding stent
Rapid exchange interventional devices and methods
Rapid exchange interventional devices and methods
Rapid exchange self-expanding stent delivery catheter system
Rapid, customized bone prosthesis
Rapid-exchange delivery systems for self-expanding stents
Ratchet type prosthetic lock
Ratchet type prosthetic lock
Ratchet type prosthetic lock
Ratchet type prosthetic lock
Ratchet type prosthetic lock
Ratchet type prosthetic lock