Articulating supracondylar suspension
Artificial limb mounting apparatus
Compliant fixation of external prosthesis
Crutch device
Implant device for osseointegration to endure weight
Implant device for osseointegration to endure weight
Leg exoprosthesis for adaptation to a thigh stump
Modular distal plate for rapid manufacturing of a prosthetic...
Prosthesis set
Prosthesis suspension sleeve
Prosthesis with adjustable fitting clearance
Prosthetic polyurethane liner and sleeve for amputees
Prosthetic sleeve with air outlet valve
Reinforced elastic sleeve for use with a limb prosthetic device
Reinforced prosthetic polyurethane hypobaric sleeve
Socket liner for artificial limb
Subcutaneous, intra-muscular coupling for a rigid...
Subcutaneous, intramuscular bearing for a rigid...
Subcutaneous, intramuscular support for a rigid...
Suspended/orthopaedic sleeves with internal adhesive to prevent