Device and method for determining the need for regeneration...
Device and method for estimating catalytic temperature
Device and method for exhaust-gas aftertreatment in an...
Device and method for exhaust-gas treatment
Device and method for filtering internal combustion engine...
Device and method for heating exhaust gas
Device and method for internal combustion engine control
Device and method for internal combustion engine control
Device and method for internal combustion engine control
Device and method for post-engine introduction of an...
Device and method for preheating combustibles in combined...
Device and method for producing a reducing agent air-mixture
Device and method for producing an operating medium for a...
Device and method for pumping a fluid
Device and method for purification of exhaust gas
Device and method for recycling hydrocarbon vapors of I.C.E. veh
Device and method for reducing emissions in catalytic...
Device and method for reduction of a gas component in an...
Device and method for regenerating an exhaust gas...
Device and method for supplying fresh air to a turbocharged...