Deep lobed deswirling diffuser tailpipe
Defect determining device for turbo charger
Deflecting feeder bowl assembly for a turbojet engine combustion
Deflector edge for a thrust reverser
Deflector for a combustion chamber endwall, combustion...
Deflector plate to enhance fluid stream contact with a catalyst
Deflector style exhaust manifold
Deflector style exhaust manifold
Deformable structural arrangement
Degassing system for power plants
Degradation detection method for an engine having a NOx sensor
Degradation detection method for an engine having a NOx sensor
Degradation discrimination system of internal combustion...
Degradation discrimination system of internal combustion...
Degradation discrimination system of internal combustion...
Degradation discrimination system of internal combustion...
Deicing of a geared gas turbine engine
Delayed ramping in the primary control system or local maintenan
Delivery control device for hydraulic pumps and hydraulic system
Delta electromagnetic control valve