Apparatus, system, and method for turbocharger bypass and...
Apparatus, system, and method for using a fraction of engine...
Apparatus/method for producing hot gas and diesel...
Appliance for operating a gas turbine installation...
Apply-rate-independent fast-fill master cylinder
Approach for controlling particulate matter in an engine
Approach for delivering a liquid reductant into an exhaust...
Approach for detecting reductant availability and make-up
Approach for identifying and responding to an unresponsive...
Approach to extending life of gas turbine engine
Approach to extending life of gas turbine engine
Approach to extending life of gas turbine engine
Approach to extending life of gas turbine engine
APU core compressor providing cooler air supply
Arc-hydrolysis steam generator apparatus and method
Arched combustor
Architecture for a combustion chamber made of ceramic matrix...
Arcjet for a space flying body
Arcjet nozzle having improved electrical-to-thrust conversion ef
Arcjet power supply and start circuit