Method and system for generation of power using stirling...
Method for regulating the output of a stirling-type hot gas engi
Method for storing energy in the form of thermal energy by...
Method for supplying heat to an engine for external heat supply
Method for utilizing waste-gas heat from heat-generating and ref
Method of governing the working gas temperature of a solar heate
Micro generator system
Micro-scalable thermal control device
Microminiature stirling cycle cryocoolers and engines
Microminiature stirling cycle cryocoolers and engines
Miniaturised device that can operate as an engine or a...
Modular construction stirling engine
Module for constructing a double-acting four-cylinder Stirling e
Moveable regenerator for stirling engines
Multi-bottle, no compressor, mean pressure control system for a
Multi-cylinder hot gas engine
Multi-cylinder hot-gas engine with automatic air and gas supply
Multi-cylinder stirling engine
Multi-cylinder, double-acting hot gas engine
Multi-cylinder, double-acting hot gas engine