Layout structure of catalytic converters
Lean burn engine for automobile
Lean catalyst and particulate filter control
Lean catalyst and particulate filter control system and method
Lean engine control with multiple catalysts
Lean NO x trap with PGM zoned axially
Lean-burn engine exhaust air-fuel and temperature management...
Lean-burn nox catalyst/nox trap system
Lightweight exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe ducting for intern
Liquid reducing agent injection nozzle having novel structure
LNT desulfation strategy
LNT regeneration strategy to reduce NOx spike
Loose material catalyzer
Louvered exhaust port liner
Low cost cast-in place port liner
Low cost insertable type port liner
Low emission diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration
Low pressure injection and turbulent mixing in selective...
Low restriction exhaust treatment apparatus
Low thermal capacitance exhaust processor