Combustion apparatus and method for a turbine engine
Combustion apparatus for a gas turbine engine
Combustion apparatus including an air-fuel premixing chamber
Combustion apparatus including an air-fuel premixing chamber
Combustion chamber assembly having a transition duct damping mem
Combustion chamber assembly in a gas turbine engine
Combustion chamber construction
Combustion chamber construction
Combustion chamber construction
Combustion chamber construction
Combustion chamber for gas turbine
Combustion chamber for gas turbines
Combustion chamber of a gas turbine
Combustion chamber of a gas turbine having premixing and catalyt
Combustion chamber of a gas turbine with a ring-shaped head sect
Combustion chamber rear outer seal
Combustion chamber stress reducing means
Combustion chamber structure for a turbojet engine
Combustion chamber, especially annular reverse-flow combustion c
Combustion control device for gas turbine