Method for making an accommodating intraocular lens
Method for making an elastic intraocular lens
Method for making an intraocular implant with a soft lens
Method for making an optical component
Method for making an optical device and system for privacy...
Method for making an optical film
Method for making coPEN/PMMA multilayer optical films
Method for making eye glass lenses and preforms for use therein
Method for making flexible transducers for use with photon tunne
Method for making gradient refractive index optical components
Method for making hot-pressed thermoplastic elements for glass-p
Method for making irregular shaped CD's and other playing discs
Method for making lenses
Method for making lenses from a modified polymerization product
Method for making light cured ophthalmic lens blocks
Method for making low cost infrared windows
Method for making micro lenses
Method for making microencapsulated gyricon beads
Method for making multilayer optical films
Method for making multilayer optical films having thin optical l