Third-order self-biased phase-locked loop for low jitter...
Time acquisition system with dual-loop for independent frequency
Tracking loop having instantaneous frequency shift protection
Transconductance tuning circuit with independent frequency...
Trimming of a two point phase modulator
Tunable oscillator with leakage compensation
Tuning apparatus for high speed phase locked loops
Tuning circuit for a YIG oscillator
Variable Frequency Divider
VCO center frequency tuning and limiting gain variation
VCO gain self-calibration for low voltage phase lock-loop...
Voltage control oscillator with automatic current control
Voltage controlled oscillator
Voltage controlled oscillator with adaptive closed loop...
Voltage controlled oscillator with frequency and phase control l
Voltage converter for a frequency synthesizer
Voltage-controlled oscillator with rapid tuning loop and method
Wide range phase detector utilizing a plurality of stacked detec
Wide-band phase locked loop amplifier apparatus