Recovery of TNT and RDX from bulk composition B explosives
Recovery of TNT and RDX from bulk composition B explosives
Recovery process for volatile compounds from solids in...
Recrystallization of bisphenol A by azeotropically drying the so
Recrystallization of hexanitrostilbene from dimethylsulfoxide an
Recrystallization of hexsanitrostilbene from nitric acid and wat
Recycle of alcohol in a combined hydroisomerization and etherifi
Reduced coenzyme Q10 crystal with excellent stability and...
Reduced coenzyme Q10 crystal with excellent stability and...
Reduced methyl bromide process for making tetrabromobisphenol-A
Reducing 2,4-dinitroortho-cresol in effluent stream from dinitro
Reducing color formers in 1,4-butanediol
Reducing molecular weight polydispersity of polyether glycols by
Reducing the content of cyclic oligomeric ethers in polytetramet
Reduction of carbonyl compounds by a silane in the presence...
Reduction of carboxylic acid halides to aldehydes
Reduction of diethyl phenylmalonate to 2-phenyl-1,3-propanediol
Reduction of molecular weight of poly(tetramethylene ether) glyc
Reduction of molecular weight of poly(tetramethylene ether) glyc
Reduction of o-ethylphenol in m,p-cresol by preferential t-butyl