Palladacycles and a process for their preparation
Palladium catalyst systems for selective hydrogenation of dienes
Palladium catalyst systems for selective hydrogenation of dienes
Palladium catalysts containing sulfonated bisphosphines as ligan
Palladium catalysts for polymerization
Palladium(0)-dibenzylidene acetone complexes
Palladium-based complexes
Palladium-containing catalyst preparation
Paramagnetic chelates useful for NMR imaging
Particulate compositions of ferromagnetic metal oxalates in the
Pentafulvene synthesis
Perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, their preparation and use
Permeability contrast correction employing a sulfate-free propio
Permeability contrast correction employing propionate-sequestere
Peroxide composition based on tungsten and phosphorus or arsenic
Pharmaceutical compositions containing a zinc complex
Pharmaceutical compound zinc glycerolate complex prepared by rea
Pharmaceutically active phospino-hydrocarbon-group VIII-metal co
Phenolic fluorescent labels