Apparatus for and method of testing direct-view image intensifie
Calibration system for a photo multiplier tube
Construction unit for two beam photometers
Device for detecting the wetting of a pane
External calibration system for a photo multiplier tube
Laser energy measuring unit and laser machining apparatus
Light measuring apparatus and a method for correcting...
Light measuring apparatus and light measuring method
Light sensing device
Light source for illumination in an optical viewing device
Low-level lighting comparator
Magnetic stirrer noise cancellation system
Method and apparatus for compensating illuminance error of a lig
Method of accelerated testing of illuminated device components
Method of accelerated testing of illuminated device components
Method of and assembly for measuring equivalent sphere illuminat
Photographic method for monitoring visibility through measuremen
Storage circuit for photometer
System and method for discriminating between direct and reflecte
System for calibration of optical instrument on satellite with r