Particle concentration method
Particle concentration method
Particle guidance system
Partitioned optical delay line architecture for time steering of
Passband flattened demultiplexer employing segmented...
Passband flattening of a phasar
Passband flattening of integrated optical filters
Passband-flattened acousto-optic polarization converter
Passivation of photonic integrated circuits (PICs)
Passive alignment and packaging of optoelectronic components to
Passive alignment connection for fiber optics
Passive alignment frame using monocrystalline material
Passive alignment member for vertical surface emitting/detecting
Passive alignment method and apparatus for fabricating a...
Passive alignment of laser with lens assembly
Passive alignment of optical fibers with optical elements
Passive alignment packaging structure for opto-electrical...
Passive alignment using elastic averaging in optoelectronics...
Passive alignment using slanted wall pedestal
Passive athermal fiber bragg grating strain gage