Ultrashort-pulse source with controllable...
Unbalanced fiber optic Michelson interferometer as an...
Undersea branching unit for an undersea optical transmission...
Unit for amplifying light signals in optical fiber transmission
Unit for amplifying light signals in optical fiber transmission
Unit for amplifying light signals in optical fiber transmission
Unit for modulating an optical pulse series in conformity with a
Universal remote lighting system with nonimaging total internal
Use of a temperature gradient to impose a chirp on a fibre bragg
Use of applied force to improve MEMS switch performance
Use of sol-gel as inorganic adhesive for high stability,...
Use of tunable laser for optical performance monitoring in...
Use of waveguide grating couplers in an optical mux/demux...
Using a transversal Filter to compensate for dispersion
Using an asymmetric element to create a 1XN optical switch
Using fibers as delay elements in optical true-time delay...
Using fibers as shifting elements in optical interconnection...
Using optical fiber multiplexer to combine light beams in a lase
Using optical solitons to increase figure-of-merit of laser...
UV-trimmed fused tapered couplers