Photothermal optical switch and variable attenuator
Piano MEMs micromirror
Piezo-electric apparatus for acting on an optical path
Piezoelectric actuated optical switch
Piezoelectric and electromagnetic actuators for beam...
Piezoelectric optical relay
Piezoelectric optical switch device
Piezoelectrically driven, liquid-actuated optical cross-bar...
Planar array optical switch and method
Planar array optical switch and method
Planar array optical switch and method
Planar lightwave circuit based wavelength selective switch
Planar lightwave circuit-based optical switches using...
Planar lightwave wavelength blocker devices using micromachines
Planar lightwave wavelength device using moveable mirrors
Planar reconfigurable optical add/drop module
Planar waveguide switch and optical cross-connect
Plasmon gate
Plasmon gate
Plasmon multiplexing