Liquid-core light guide illuminator apparatus
Low index of refraction optical fiber with tubular core and/or c
Method and apparatus for low-loss signal transmission
Method and apparatus for low-loss signal transmission
Method and apparatus for on-wafer testing of an individual...
Method and apparatus for on-wafer testing of an individual...
Method for configuring air-core photonic-bandgap fibers free...
Method of fabricating an optical fiber with microstructures
Method of fabricating microstructured optical fibers
Methods for manufacturing microstructured optical fibers...
Methods of generating and transporting short wavelength...
Micro chemical analysis employing flow through detectors
Microchannel plate with segmented mounting pads
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructured optical fiber and method of making
Microstructured optical fiber with improved transmission...