Method and arrangement for stabilizing wavelength of...
Method and arrangement to convert an optical data signal from a
Method and circuit arrangement for electric compensation of sign
Method and circuit for demultiplexing an optical signal
Method and device for aligning an optical transmission and recep
Method and device for calibrating the deviation of a...
Method and device for decentralized transmission of data on a tr
Method and device for extracting a timing signal
Method and device for generating an error signal in...
Method and device for measuring a noise figure in optical amplif
Method and device for measuring depth of field
Method and device for modulating optical short pulses
Method and device for network protection
Method and device for obtaining error signals for spatial beam r
Method and device for on-line regeneration of a signal...
Method and device for optical add/drop multiplexing using high s
Method and device for optically recovering the synchronism of an
Method and device for scanning light
Method and device for steering light
Method and device for the optical filtering and photodetection o