Parallel opto-electric structure for high sensitivity and...
Pattern-dependent error counts for use in correcting...
Performance optimized receiver with bandwidth adaptive...
Phase controllable optical delay interferometer, optical...
Phase estimation for coherent optical detection
Phase monitor apparatus, phase control apparatus and methods...
Photodetector array and optical branching filter using the...
Photodiode bias controller for optical receiver
Photoelectric conversion method, light receiving circuit,...
Photosensor operating point
PMD insensitive direct-detection optical OFDM systems using...
Polarization compensation in a coherent optical receiver
Polarization control for multichannel and polarization...
Polarization diverse optical receiver using a...
Polarization diversity receiver for optical transmission system
Polarization mode dispersion compensating apparatus, system,...
Polarization mode dispersion mitigation of multiple optical...
Polarization tracking and signal equalization for optical...
PON burst mode receiver with fast decision threshold setting
Pre-emphasis circuit