WLAN admission control for multimedia service
WLAN capacity enhancement by contention resolution
WLAN data reception method and WLAN device
WLAN device and method for interfacing between a MAC...
WLAN device and method for numbering frames with sequence...
WLAN diagnostics using traffic stream metrics
WLAN having load balancing based on access point loading
WLAN infrastructure provided directions and roaming
WLAN TDM IFS time selection protocol
WLAN to UMTS handover with network requested PDP context...
Word Multiplexing of encoded signals into a higher bit rate...
Work queue alias system and method allowing fabric...
Workflow manager
World-wide-web server that finds optimal path by sending...
Worldwide telecommunications system using satellites
Wrap path for communication ring access control
Wrap-around route testing in packet communications networks
Write allocation counter for transfer controller with hub...
X.21 Switching system
X.25 access to frame relay network