Automatic WAP login
Automatic wireless connection selection
Automatically applying bi-directional quality of service...
Automatically configuring LAN numbers
Automatically configuring parallel bridge numbers
Automatically configuring switch ports with appropriate...
Automatically controlling operation of a BRAS device based...
Automatically deactivated no-owner frame removal mechanism for t
Automatically detecting distributed port scans in computer...
Automatically establishing conferences from desktop...
Automatically sending rich contact information coincident to...
Automation device
Automation of call setup in IP telephony for tests and...
Automation system with simplified diagnosis and...
Automobile multiplex communication system
Automobile multiplex data communication system including fail-sa
Automotive multipath transmission system with power always suppl
Autonegotiation between 1000Base-X and 1000Base-T
Autonegotiation over an interface for which no...
Autonomic adjustment of connection keep-alives