Systems and methods for providing voice/data communication...
Systems and methods for routing messages sent between...
Systems and methods for storing and retrieving data
Systems for interchip communication
TCP/IP host name resolution for machines on several domains
Technical enhancements to STP (IEEE 802.1D) implementation
Technique for dynamically splitting MPLS TE-LSPs
Technique for efficient probing to verify policy conformance
Technique for efficiently determining acceptable link-based...
Technique to automatically deaggregate an optimum set to...
Technique to improve network routing using best-match and...
Techniques for distributing data among mobile nodes based on...
Techniques for distributing information using multicast subsets
Techniques for zero touch provisioning of edge nodes for a...
Technology for improving STP protocols in ethernet networks...
Telecommunication network and state propagation method
Telecommunications control apparatus and a method for...
Telecommunications network management system
Telecommunications terminals management
Testing user terminal status