Redundant routing capabilities for a network node cluster
Redundant source synchronous busses
Redundant switch system and method of operation
Redundant switching arrangement
Redundant transmission system with disconnection of a...
Reflector communications channel for automatic protection...
Reflector communications channel for automatic protection...
Reliable and resilient end-to-end connectivity for...
Rerouting method for a PVC route on an ATM network and a...
Resiliency of control channels in a communications network
Resilient chassis-based network switching
Resilient routing systems and methods
Resource sharing among network tunnels
Restoration method for multiplexed circuits
Restoration path calculation in mesh networks
Restoring multi-segment pseudowires following failure of a...
Retainment of alarm events during wait restore (WTR) cycle...
Retention of a stack address during primary master failover
Retransmit timeout suppression in large scale networks
Retry strategies for use in a streaming environment